
Recent addiction is World of Warcraft.
I think i need professional help.
I've been playing this game since a couple months ago.
Dom intro-ed me to this game.
I tried the free 1 week trial, and got seriously hooked.

Every month is about S$23, and i get unlimited play time.
I keep leveling up, and made new frens in the game from Taiwan.
My ID is Blacksheepp, and playing on the Taiwan server 雷角.
My character is a Human Warlock (人類術士).
Currently at Level 60.

Everyday i come home, i will do 3 things in sequence:
1. Turn ON my pc.
2. Shower and get changed.
3. Play that game till i can't take it anymore. Sleeping at 2-3am everyday.

I have been neglecting Lui2, my frens, exercise and other things that i do.
It's consuming my life.
I don't even go out now. Only rarely i got appointments then i'll go out.
Weekends is standard. Staying in the World of Warcraft. Whole day.
Lui2 would complain, and I'll coax her for a while, then continue playing.

I am sleepy during the day and keep yawning, thinking of the things i would do in the game.
Sometimes when i really can't keep my eyes open returning home from work,
I'll sleep for a few hours before playing. But this just means i'll play until very early in the morning. Just a few hours before i have to go to work. This is just worse.

Due to the lack of sleep or O2 in my brain,
my intelligence level is dropping sharply. Feeling stupid and slow in thinking.
And FORGETFUL. Like an old man.

My addiction to video games and pc games started since young.
I was playing "Pong" and "Pacman" on the Atari System.
My father bought this game system home as a reward to my exam results or Christmas present.

Why do I have this addiction???



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